Why do we spend most of our time to focus on the negative things that happen to us?
We have persuade ourselves that we should not be too excited when good things happen to us because we believe that sooner or later something bad will happen and it will bring us down!!But,what if all these theories exist only in our minds?We focus so much in bad situations,we think about them so so much as a result we forgot what's the real meaning of life!!We should not only exist,but we should start living!!We don't have to be afraid!!
When good things happen to us we should be happy and celebrate them with friends!!Sad situations happen to teach us that we are stronger than we think and we can overcome them as well!!!Furthermore,obstacles often make us think and through them we have the posibility to learn a lot of things about life :) But,that doesn't mean that life is awful..it's just us that we concentrate so much on the bad things!!!Sometimes we just have to let things go..and don't analyse everytime,everything that happen to us,because instead of enjoying life we will spend our whole time to solve problems.Well,problems never stop,there are small problems,big problems,the best thing we can do is to not focalize so much on the small problems and try hard and coolly to solve big problems!!
With Love MaryGrace
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