Create your to do and to be list.
Hello everyone!!!I know that it is kind of early to create a to do list but I think that as school is around the corner and that means that a new (school) year is coming, it will be helpful for you to create a list that will help you realise what are your main goals to focus on them this year,in that way you will be always motivated and organized!
Also,either if you are going to school or not a list is always helpful.After summer holidays we are all a little bit unorganized and we need to go back to our routine.Personally,I have already created my to do list and my to be list.
To do list
What is a to do list?A to do list is a list where you write down the things that you want to do,it is basically you, leaving the past behind with the determination to change and become the new version of you.So I split my to do list into two different lists;the "to do" and "to be" because I want my to do list to be the things that I actually want to do; for example read more books,create a healthy lifestyle etc.
To be list
The difference is that in my to be list I wrote how I want my personality to be like,it's actually a way for me to improve myself by clarifying what I want from myself.It's a way to stop those bad habits that don't allow me to grow as a person!
So,I know that creating a to do list can be also a gain or a waste of time if you are not willing to follow it.Personally,I have stopped creating to do lists as new year's resolution because there wouldn't be a chance for me to follow it.But this year I want you and me to make it and achieve our goals so I will give you only 2 tips that will help you succeed and there will be other 6 more tips on my next post on Monday on how to achieve your goals!!
- Be determined.Be sure about which are your goals for this year,think of how important is for you to actually achieve them.That's why you have to be determined and dedicated to your goals and your dreams!Dedication and determination!
- Re-read your list. Repetition will help you remember your list and absorb it so you do things automatically.
I hope that you found this post helpful and I will be happy to know that you achieved your goals!!!Focus on your goals and I'm sure that you will succed!!!See you on Monday!!!
With Love,MaryGrace
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