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Don't commit suicide!!

By 12:11:00 PM

 Sometimes,things are getting so bad and you think that you have lost control,you can't recognize yourself,you may feel ashamed,unworthy etc. and you have your reasons to feel that way.. you think that by ending your life you will do good to the people you love because maybe you think that you hurt them..or they hurt you..and you want to end the pain.
But darling,you are not alone,you don't have to feel that way,you worth to live life as you want to,as you dreamed to.Don't feel that way..because by ending your life someone else's scars will bleed..I'm 100% that there are people who love you unconditionally..you may not see them now..but they exist and they are here for you!!
Don't be ashamed to express your feelings about a situation that hurted you!!You have the right to live your life!
Don't let anyone from nowhere tell you that you are not good enough and feel bad about yourself..you have the right to get them out of your life!You don't need that negativity!
Be sure,that there are people who feel the same as you..you are not alone,speak about your problems and help others to get over it!!
Darling don't give up,we need you!!

With Love MaryGrace

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