Vacation is a also a part of how to be positive because when you are on vacation life gets better.You meet new people,new places,food,custom etc.You also have time to relax and have fun!So it's good for all of us to go on vacation.You might say that there is no money to spend for such a thing but my point of view is that you don't need to spend a lot of money.You don't have to go at expensive places.You can go in an area near your hometown or a little farther or else you can go somewhere in an other country...but take in consideration that you should have a great company and take a lot of photos!!
So basically next week I will travel to Slovenia and Italy!!I'm really happy about it because this year was a little hard for me.I don't know if I will be able to write on the blog but I will do my best to find some time to write!But of course before I leave I will write some articles!
With Love MaryGrace
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