Friendship-soul mates
So we have to admit that life would be difficult if we wouldn't have our friends!!
Friends are this kind of people who know exactly who we are but they are not afraid to walk with us in public..and not only take the risk and walk with us in public but they proudly call us "best friends"
These are friends for life!!
Ok now we have to take all this seriously!!Think about the things you do you may have understood your day includes always your friends!!That's because friends are here for us and make our life easier. We haven't been friends with someone by accident but we've built a strong friendship and this strong friendship makes us even strong!!

Friends are here for us!!They laugh with us,they cry with us and know how we feel anytime and place!!In tough situations they make us feel better and overcome it easier!!They are happy when we achieve our goals and dreams and they are always there to celebrate with us!!

Well,every sigle one of us have met a person ,or more, that we used to call them "best friends" but now we are nothing more than strangers!!Don't feel sad about it because,firstly, you are not the only one and,think that they came in your life as a lesson so now you know how to protect yourself!!
I didn't believe that your soul-mate can be a friend because I was dreaming about something more romantic...Everything changed when about a mounth ago I've met someone from a social media who I can proudly call her my soul-mate!!So I came to the point to think that
"soul-mates are certain people you will meet in your life who you just connect with more than anyone else and you just know it isn't a typical thing and you understand each other perfectly.And this person won't be your "significant other" I mean it could be a friend,a sibling, a parent,someone you are dating or whoever.It could be just about anyone you've ever interacted with"
With Love MaryGrace
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