As you know,nowadays our planet suffers from diseases and wars.Plus,there are a considerable number of people who are homeless and unemployed.Naturally,we can't do a lot of things to stop all that suffer!BUT we can do little things that count,like lending a hand to people who are in need,but not only them but also people in general who we get to see them daily.For example,we should be kind and smile more because smile has the privilege to be multiplied.Even a warm hug and a nice comment about someone's outfit,eyes,hair etc. can change someone's mood.You can also convice people that life is not that bad.
If we all believe that life is beautiful and be more friendly and respect people not because we want something from them,just because we believe in people's good side of their character then we can convice the most pessimist person in the world that is worthy to try and make this world a better place!!
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