Don't waste your free time
Nowadays,due to the development of technology devices are important in our lives and that's not so bad.But we should learn how to manage properly our free time doing creative things that make us happy!!
Ther are better things than going every Saturday at a club an get drunk..I don't say that you should not go with your friends and have good time but not every Saturday..!!
So,what should we do to have fun without wasting our free time?
There are so many things you can do like sing or play an instrument (or more),you can dance in your room or take some dance lessons,read a realxing book (classic and always one of the best things you can do in your free time).Furthermore you can go cycling in the park alone or with some friends and last but not least you can go out and meet a lot of people.Go out with your friends,your friend's friend,some cousins,with your classmates ot your colleagues!!

Knowing how to pass your free time right makes you understand more how amazing life is and that every problem has a solution.You just need some time doing creative things .
With Love MaryGrace
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