Feel Beautiful!
I can't understand why we hate on ourselves if we don't have the "necessary" size.We are going to live our whole life in our bodies so it's unuseful to hate or hurt our bodies.
Do you like yourself?That's awesome!You don't like something on you?That's ok,if you think that you need a change,go and make it!But it's unworthy to be the enemies of ourselves.We have to be our own friends,because we are those who will support and motivate us when things will get a little tough for us,but also we will be those who will feel happy when we achieve a goal.
Secondly,we should realise that in this world there isn't any other person like us.Our fears,our hopes,our dreams make us who we are and that's why people love us -and that's why they should love us- because we are unique in our own way!!
In the end,I want to mention that our bodies are the home where our souls live in that's why we should respect our bodies instead of judge them.
So today.make a positive thought and love yourself a little more than yesterday,convince yourself that you are beautiful despite the flaws and realise that nothing would be the same if you did not exist.Have confidence,you are awesome!!

So today.make a positive thought and love yourself a little more than yesterday,convince yourself that you are beautiful despite the flaws and realise that nothing would be the same if you did not exist.Have confidence,you are awesome!!

With Love MaryGrace
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