Tips and advices to improve and love yourself
Hello guys!!Another self-confidence kind of post is here, because it's very important to love and improve yourself day by day!!So,as we "talk" about improving yourself,with this post we are going to discover together our pros and cons,appreciate the good things about ourselves and try to decrease our weaknesses.
The proccess is about discovering the depths of yourself and it is seperated in two parts.
Firstly,find a peaceful place and take some time to write down what you love about yourself.Even if you find it hard,don't give it up so easy.I'm sure that there are a lot of beautiful parts in you.Think of it carefully,it could be something about your look (the way that you match perfectly your clothes,your abs, your curves etc.),something about your pesonality ( fighter,calm,positive,determined,cheerful,supportive,good friend/sister/brother etc.)
After this, take some time to appreciate all your pros.Feel good about yourself and congratulate yourself for being so good at what you do and what you are.You have made it so far and that's something wonderful.Your scars,everything you went through in general, have grown you and made you who you are.You should be very proud of yourself !!
Now,calmly write down what you don't like about yourself and you think you need to change.Be careful,because you have a few disadvantages it doesn't mean that you have to force yourself to change them.As long as you feel comfortable with them it's fine.That's why you can separate them in what you need to improve and what can stay the same.This can be a little tough as it is a little hard for some of us to face our own "weaknesses".The important thing is that you have to be sincere with yourself,you don't do this to judge yourself or anyone to judge you,you only do this for yourself.
If you found out what you want to improve,it's time to focus on this.Bad thing is that improving yourself takes some time.Also, it requires a lot of work and dedication,and that's the good thing...that you don't only change your less beautiful parts but,at the same time you grow into a better version of you.
Extra tip
I think I have mentioned it before...Another tip is to write down every day when people make you any kind of compliment,for example if your teacher congratulate you for something you did,or when someone notice something special about you etc.I did it in the past and it really helped me to gain self-confidence.
Loving yourself can be difficult,but only when you truly know who you are without the need to lie to yourself ,only then you will attract the right things.
With Love, MaryGrace
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