Self -Confidence (Part3)
Beauty comes from the heart
"Real beauty is not what the eyes can behold but what the heart can hold.What we see with our eyes will vanish someday.But what we store in our heart will forever stay."If you ak someone what beauty means he/she would give you an answer.If you ask someone else he/she would give you a different answer!!Every person has a differrent answer to give you!!For example; someone would tell you that beauty is a woman,a lady who knows what she wants from her life and do everything she can to achieve her goals.Someone else would tell you that you can find beauty in the nature..or in a person who helps someone in need!That's because beauty is behind everything we think it is usual and that happens as people see with their heart and know how to appreciate everything that it is given from God!!

You are already beautiful&;worthy!Never forget that!!People see the beauty that you hide inside of you and they admire your strenght!!You are beautiful in your own way!!You should feel comfortable and happy with yourself and honey do your best because you deserve the best!!
With Love MaryGrace
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